Loser Horn
Opinion on Kingman
Mumbling stuttering f*ck
Believe this prick
Brownie doing heck of the job
Fool me once
Spastic laugh - Beavis
cletus the slack jawed yokel
Pish Posh
Hey Baby
Beavis says suck many times fast
Ahhhh - Butthead
Money is cool - Butthead
Hes not here - Butthead
Hes out - Butthead
Hes taking a shower - Butthead
Settle down Beavis
Wait a minute - Butthead
Chickens Don't Clap
Hey Hermano
Hide of an Elephant
Lucille Cornhole
Mr Manager
Cock Blocking Mclovin
Don't call me Shirley
Quit amphetamines
Grown man naked
Sniffin glue
Turkish prison
How bout a Fresca
Oh Porterhouse!
It sucks
A hat
A thousand bucks
Hard way
So let's dance!
Where's your hat
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