So long
Toodaloo MotherF ker
Take him back
You gonn f k on me
Camera in Lady toilet
High Five!
Girls just want to have fuck
Yeah 1
Yeah 2
Bye nigga
Don't give a f_ _k
Yeah Boyee
Whatchoo talkin' about Willis
Mumbling stuttering f*ck
Sick f*ck
Outta here
Whack him for you
Baldeaded jew prick
Banana peel
Believe this prick
Dizzy MF
Tell you something
Try to f*ck anything
Settle down with a nice girl
Goodfellas - Fuckos
Casino - Mistake
Worst nightmare
Put him in the Camel Clutch
Make Him Humble 1
Make Him Humble 2
I can break his fukin back
Clit commander
F*** anything that moves
F*** the Pie
Fat chronic blunt
He loves the C***
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