is your home for the geek.
Thinking Impaired
106 miles
I got a crap on deck
Bark like a dog
You Naked
I'm a Dude
Famous losing horn
Ive got bigger titties than you
Take a big step back
Full Retard
The internet
Naughty Parts
buddy list
Echo Fart
NObody expect the Spanish Inquisition
Look fuckstick
Not Legal
Righteous dude
What's your name fat buddy
Mr Jokey Joke-Maker
Don't like my policies
Student body
I'm French
Castenets out of your Testicles
Outwit us French?
Hell I like you
Do you think I'm funny
Speak only when spoken to
What have we got here
Nice MLT
I cant believe that just fucking happened
better luck with beer
Bansai Tree
Good Evening
Do you know who I am
I'm gonna make him an offer
You won't see him no more
Most acid
Hey hang on you guys
This is great man
We're smokin
At house party - guns and crack
I Piss Excellence
Have a cigarette
Long dick of the law
Just one thing...
Just tell me where?
Nobody calls me Lebowski
They finally did it
Who Are You
Bye-Bye Boys
Hawaiian shirt day
Poop shoot
What'd I tell you two
Doesn't come between us.
Johnny it's an honor
Last name
Now I'm really angry
You fargon sneaky bastage
I almost numbchucked you
Applause Sound 6
Jack shit
Vegas baby!
You're so f*cking money!
You die first
Glad I'm Def
Im perfect and you not
I cannot
Sex 'em up
Friggin Bone
Parents caught him drawing dicks
Get the comfy chair
Our 2 weapons are
Don't play games
Where's everybody gone
True Vulgarian
Rock it
Bartender ft Akon
That easy
Don't Know me - Bugs Bunny
Thats all folks - Porky
Marvin the martian - angry
losers always whine
Don't waste my time
You were saying
Where were you?
Made it through
Nothin' like Chino
That's the signal
Mr Really Bad Toupee Wearer
Mr Pickled Pig's Feet Eater
Do you take drugs
Chips Dips Chains and Whips
Little maniacs
Shut up
You here long
My panties
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