Whats up Vanilla Face
Bang Skid Nigga
I made sexytime with my
Will You Marry Me
Wah wah we wah
My brother has
Do you have a laugh
You are a real man
You are my best friend
When do we have sexy intercourse
I like you do you like me
Banana boat
Cussin me out
Stupid mother fucker
Do you know who you're talkin' to?
Black or not
You don't me apparently
I got your bitch
Quit bullshitin'
Who's the stupid MF
I Piss Excellence
Brushing Teeth
Given the world
Help me Oprah Winfrey
Holding hands
Shake and Bake
Hang on baby Jesus
Tractor beam of hotness
Like Twins
I'm on Fire (full scene)
4 Nuggetts
C*ck Pushups Explanation
I win!
Get on Top
I just wanted to say it
pimp down
Dear Santa
Pee Your Pants
Will Somebody
Coolest party eva
I'm ready
Next bus
Sweaty pie hole!
She was adorable...
From the tranny
Get outta the room!
I respect women
Don't like guns
This is Alison
Wanna get together tommorow night
Im pregnant
Sorry that was inappropriate
Dont joke This is really serious
ooohaaawww !
Shut your mouth
Lets not get ahead of ourselves
I cant remember my last period
You can barely buy Spaghetti
You want me to loose weight
I know its so crazy
We didnt mean to do this together
her boobs
Dont ask her about nose job
Do you need to get to work
Thats pretty offensive
Impossible u have 2 have sex
Oh shit
Mary Tyler Moore
Oh my god this is the best news ever
I'm squirting
Yippy kay yah!
Holy Crap
She's gonna squirt
Really juicy
Here it comes...
I'm Deputy Martin
I have confidence in the American people
I understand your frustrations
I could not help but love this country
I'm Barack Obama
Here's we need to do
Here's what I would do
I just fundamentally disagree
Should I be at home baking cookies
My wife is just terrific
Over aged basketball player
Involved in two wars
Kobe Bryant is the best player
That's not fair
This is our moment
Understand this
We're glad you're back home
You know I love you back
Yes we can
You just beat it to death
Hi it's Vince
Love my nuts
Exciting life
It's Vince with slap chop
Not all day
ShamWow does the same Wow
Tuna looks boring
Wet or dry
You'll be saying wow
Call me Lucifer
Heard of Santeria
In Chicago
How are ya
I'm from Texas
911 was so good
Large or small
Don't let me down again
Drugs and Alcohol
Need to be fixed
Email your dad
Let's come together
Perfectly reasonable
Pardon me
Rock it
You the devil
Are you laughin
Goddamn muuuurderers
Believe in God
Ass very available
Black man
Cause I'm God
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