Boom HeadShot
Call Of Duty Grenada
Dumb & Dumber: Most Annoying Sound (20 seconds)
TG: Long Legged PO'D Puerto Rican
Das Bo Schitt: HAX!!
Shut the fuck up!!!!!
Im Rick James Bitch 1
Sarge - 360
Leeroy Jenkins
Quake Normal Monsterkill
Engineer Taunt 6
Scout Taunt 5
I Don't Remember Asking You
Suck a golfball
Unscrew your head
Say what again
Set for stun
Wollf-Can't let you do that
Stuck it out
It's a trap
Cruisers can't repel
Cheat code
Grenades are like ram
Taxpayer money
Matt Damon
Surprise, cockfags
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