Very Sexy
Absolutely right
Do you know who I am?
Might i have your first name?
Do you got a girl friend?
Are you a homofobe?
well well well!!
You can't handle the truth!
Watch your mouth!
Thank you!
I'm going to need you to listen
extend me some f@#king courtesy!
Don't i feel like the f@#kin asshole!
You snotty little bastard!
Learn something Clip 3
Bush doesn't care about black people
Stop talkin to me
Shut up
I've fallen and I can't get up
Baking cakes
How are you
Once you kill a cow
Shut up
dr phil
I made sexytime with my
Do you like porno?
When do we have sexy intercourse
I need souls man
I command thee to speak
I have a fake butt
sexy moan
Dont call me again
Sexism is playing in the campaign
big butt
Kick his ass
5 nice things about you
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