What an idiot
What the F do you want?
Sack Lunch
Lock it Up
Stage5 Clinger
Holy Shirts and Pants
What's this used for?
Shut Your Mouth
Damn It!
Not ever no way
Noooo Way
Johnny Hammerstix
King of the trees
Yaaaa Right fag
Capt Knots
Woman is such a Bitch
Little Kid going crazy
Mr Balloon Hands
No Way get real
Mr Walkway
Who paid for that floor_
Not Once Not Never
Whos Chair is That_
Lighthouses rule
What is this_ Get real
F-ing Thing sucks
Can't do it...WELL DO IT LIVE
oriley play us out
oriley nowords on it
oriley never seen that
Cant believe what i just saw
No one worked onTV before
No one Worked on TV before (long)
So Rude
Stop for 10mins
See you next sunday
Reporter goes ghetto
Bear faster than a bear
Bear recreation
Bear except real
Gia FU
Run and tell that homeboy 1
Dont have to come and confess
You are so Dumb
We got ur tshirt dumb
Hide your kids
Hes climbin in your windows
Well obviously we have a rapist
Coach Knight on Fword
Thats kinda gay
Thats kinda gay (short)
Whos the kid here
Child makes fun of him
If you wanna go after my athletes_
Newspaper is garbage
Where are we at in Society_
Im a man im 40
That aint true facts straight
Thats not true!
Hope someday you have a child
Im a prick
Ive had better
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