Rollin Doobies
Shut your big Yapper!
Ma, the meatloaf!
What is she doing?
Let's have some meatloaf
Milk was a bad choice
I'm very important
Somebody Stop Me!
Guy with rubber glove
Back to you bleepers
Don't go dying on me
We landed on the moon!
We've got no food
40yr Old Virgin - Big Box of Porn
Old School - Blue
Old School - Going Streaking
Stu sings a song
Except herpes
Get a map
Holocaust ring
I shouldn' be here
Team America song
Hans, you're breaking my balls
Fishbone - Lyin' Ass Bitch
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
TollBooth Willy (Adam Sandler)
This is Sparta !
What is your Profession !
Sparta spoof song
So its just Mclovin
At house party - guns and crack
Im Sorry I blocked your cock
I'm a mushroom cloud
I Don't Remember Asking You
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