Evening Commisioner
Poor choice of words
900 years
Strong with the force
Darth Vader breathing
Don't fail me again
Treated unfairly
Hear you nothing
I can help you
No Harm
Stay and Help
Gonna eat your tots?
Sweet jumps?
Got my back?
Worst day of my life!
Pull me into town
US and A
Chatting with Feminists
I gotta pee
Not enough rocks
I have bad news - Hannibal
It Burns! - The Exorcist
Weird Grunt Noises - The Exorcist
Scary voice - The Exorcist
Crazy Laugh - The Exorcist
Hello - Norman Bates
I own a motel - Norman Bates
Free of charge - Norman Bates
Are you really my mother? - Norman Bates
Im sorry mother - Norman Bates
Your wrong - Norman Bates
Hi how are you -Tales from the crypt
Matt Damon
That is affirmative
Taunting French Guard scene
Sudden Impact (1983) - Make my day
Taxi Driver (1976) - You're talking to me
The Terminator (1984) - I'll be back
The Terminator (1984) - Hasta Lavista Baby
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Yb Better + Ratio + Loud = funny bozos (Suggest sum stuff you would want me to upload in the comments)
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